Finance Leadership Blog

Here you'll find insights, trends and tools to help you excel as a finance leader.

Budgeting for Startups: Why S.M.A.R.T Operational and Strategic Goals Must Lead the Way budgeting finance leadership founders Jul 14, 2023

As Leaders, we're often eager to jump right into the numbers and start building a meticulous budget. However, before we dive into our spreadsheets or open up our budgeting software, it's critical...

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Safeguarding Your Start-up: The 4-Step Plan to Manage Key Person Risk founders hr risks Jun 30, 2023

One thing that always lurks in the shadows of any start-up's growth journey is 'key person risk' - the risk that the departure of a crucial member from your team could destabilise your operations.

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What Does a CFO Do, Really? finance career finance leadership founders start-ups & fast growth businesses Jun 16, 2023

Ever wondered what a CFO does beyond just managing the finances and the finance team?

As many of you are either Founders or aspiring or new CFOs, it's time we unravel the broader role of a CFO in...

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The Right Time for Small Businesses: Introducing Cost Centre Accounting finance leadership founders management accounts start-ups & fast growth businesses Jun 09, 2023

We're diving into an aspect of small business accounting that can make a big difference: cost centre accounting.

You may be wondering, is cost accounting necessary to properly manage a company? The...

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Unleashing the Power of Portfolio CFOs for Startups and Founders finance career founders start-ups & fast growth businesses May 19, 2023

Having just completed releasing a podcast that talks quite a bit about working as a Portfolio CFO/FD, I thought I would develop this topic further this week.

There is quite an increase of portfolio...

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Product-Market Fit: A Key Component of Successful Startups and why it's important for CFOs finance leadership founders start-ups & fast growth businesses Apr 14, 2023

Product Market Fit is critical for startups and Fast Growth businesses, so I wanted to go through Product Marketing Fit ("PMF") in two sections.

First, what does PMF mean for the business as a...

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Book Recommendation: Never split the difference book recommendations finance leadership founders Mar 31, 2023

Some business books can be a little dry.... dare I say it, a little boring.

And if you agree with me and struggle to read / listen to an audiobook, then this "Never split the difference"...

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What to include in a Dataroom finance leadership founders fundraise Feb 06, 2023

I don’t know about you, but now in early 2023, I’m not preparing for as many big fundraising rounds as I was this time last year.

However, I’m still preparing for top-up rounds...

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5 Ways to Kick Imposter Syndrome finance leadership founders imposter syndrome Jan 30, 2023

You’ve worked hard to get where you are today. You might have studied hard and invested in your professional growth in a number of junior positions, where you gained the knowledge, resilience...

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How and when to do a tax or audit tender finance leadership founders Dec 05, 2022

It’s amazing how quickly a task can sound so daunting and then after you have done it a few times you aren’t phased by it at all!

A company I have only just started working with needs...

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THE Most common type of Business Fraud I've seen founders risks Oct 22, 2022

Not the most ground-breaking topic, but a necessary one!

The most common fraud I see is when a “supplier” requests to change their bank details.

It’s so common, that I have seen...

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Structuring Your Workday founders time management Oct 07, 2022

Working for a start-up or fast growth business is exactly that, fast paced. And so it’s really hard to get things done.

I’ve certainly been in this place before and can sometimes find...

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DISCLAIMER: All information included in these blog posts are Alysha Randall's opinion.  She is not the reader's accountant, tax advisor, lawyer, CFO or director and therefore should not be considered advice.


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